Proximity sensors (Inductive and capacitive)
Autonics is a leading manufacturer of automation solutions from South Korea.
We are authorised stockist and system integrators for ALL Autonics brand products like,
Proximity sensors (Inductive and capacitive)
Photo Sensors
Thyrister Power Controllers
Fibre Optic Sensors
Colour Mark Sensors
Field Network Devices
Products available in stock :
Proximity sensors: Cyllindrical M08/ M12/ M18/ M30
Photo sensors: Diffused, reflective and through beam
Rotary incremental encoders: From 10 ppr to 5000 ppr with various shaft sizes
Fibre optic sensors and amplifiers: Threaded, cyllindrical or flat heads with self diagnostic amplifiers.
Colour mark sensor: Teachable and field programmable
Stepper motor and drives: 2 phase and 5 phase closed loop motor controllers
Timers, counter and temperature controllers
Power controllers: Single and 3 phase thyrister power controllers