These barriers are installed on small capacity pneumatic press machines.
We manufacture safety light curtains for hands and human detection.
There are 4 basic types
1. Safety light curtanis for fingers
2. Safety light curtanis for hands
3. Safety light curtains for body
4. Diffuse light curtains for moulding machines
1. Safety guards for fingers
These barriers are installed on small capacity pneumatic press machines.
These are installed at working heights where the operator uses his fingers.
The operation is genearlly faster as compared to other press machines.
The relay is activated if fingers or palms are detected inside and the machine does not operate.
If the machine is in working condition, it stops immediately if sensor detects the hands or fingers.
The normal height of these guards varies from 100 mm to 500 mm.
The pitch (distance between 2 beams) is 10 mm to 15 mm depending upon the requirement.
These barriers are manufactured with cross beams for better sensitivity.
2. Safety guards for hands
These barriers are installed on large capacity power press machines.
These are installed at working heights where the operator uses his hands to place or remove the objects.
The relay is activated if hands are inside and the machine does not operate.
If the machine is working, it stops immediately if sensor detects the hands or fingers.
The normal height of these guards varies from 300 mm to 800 mm.
The pitch is 30 mm or 40 mm depending upon the requirement.
These barriers come in parallel beams and are best for hand protection.
3. Safety light curtains for body
These barriers are installed near the machine periphery.
When the machine is in running condition and a person enters its periphery, a relay is activated raising an alarm. The machine can also be stopped using this.
These barriers have a height of 400 mm to 1800 mm
The pitch size can be approximately 70- 100 mm
4. Diffuse light curtains for moulding machines
These are used when there is a mounting space contraint.
The diffuse sensor has transmitter and reciever in single unit.
The sensor is activated when the beams are cut in the area.
The normal height of these guards varies from 200 mm to 500 mm.
The pitch is 30 mm or as per application demand.